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Phases of hacking

The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking

While the phases discussed in the webinar are from the perspective of a hacker, King explains that these are the same phases used by a white hat hacker to test an organization’s network. To put it simply, an attacker uses this approach to breach the network, while the ethical hacker uses it to protect it.

1) Reconnaissance

This is the primary phase where the Hacker tries to collect as much information as possible about the target .

2) Scanning

Hacker may employ during the scanning phase can include dialers, port scanners, network mappers, sweepers, and vulnerability scanners .

3) Gaining Access

The method of connection the hacker uses for an exploit can be a local area network (LAN, either wired or wireless), local access to a PC, the Internet, or offline .

4) Maintaining Access

Once a hacker has gained access, they want to keep that access for future exploitation and attacks.

5) Covering Tracks

Once hackers have been able to gain and maintain access, they cover their tracks to avoid detection by security personnel, to continue to use the owned system, to remove evidence of hacking, or to avoid legal action.